Graph Matching Toolbox in MATLAB

This software is made publicly for research use only. It may be modified and redistributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Please cite the paper and source code if you are using it in your work.

This software implements spectral graph matching with affine constraint (SMAC), optionally with kronecker bistochastic normalization, introduced in the paper below. The software can be used to handle arbitrary graph matching / subgraph matching problems:

1) highly scalable compared to other approaches (hundreds of nodes in each graph, depending on sparsity)
2) accurate (performed similarly to SDP relaxation in our experiments)
3) exploits sparsity pattern in each graph
4) handles graphs of different sizes (subgraph matching)
5) handles partial matchings (not just full matching)

In addition, the code implements kronecker bistochastic normalization, which modifies the graph matching cost function and dramatically improves the matching accuracy for a variety of graph matching algorithms.

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Description Author



Graph Matching Toolbox in Matlab
tested on Matlab 7.4 (windows/mac/unix)

fixed a bug which affected discretization performance in the case of different graph sizes

new (02/06/2010): updated code to support latest matlab version
Timothee Cour



Graph Matching Toolbox in Matlab
tested on Matlab 7.4 (windows/mac/unix)
Timothee Cour



Related Publication

Timothee Cour, Praveen Srinivasan, Jianbo Shi. Balanced Graph Matching. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2006

Installation instructions

1) start matlab
2) cd to directory where you unzipped the files (containing a README)
3) type init (to add paths) (ignore warnings about assert if any)
4) type compileDir (ignore warnings about assert if any)  to compile mex files
    make sure it says at the end: "Compilation of files succeded without error", otherwise try to compile problem files by hand

start any of the 3 demos:


Main Function summary Description

illustrates an example of graph matching on synthetic graph


illustrates what kronecker bistochastic normalization does


illustrates the computation of eigenvectors under affine constraints

Utility Functions



Adds path to subdirectories of current directory


compiles all mex files in specified directory

 the main variables are explained in the function compute_graph_matching_SMAC

Please address questions / bug reports to: timothee “dot” cour “at” gmail “dot” com

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